P R O J E C T N O. 3
paintings & procrastinations
SuperSize It!
My husband keeps encouraging me to work large scale. So I am going for it, even though my studio is quite, shall we say, petite. I created a 16"x20" Duke canvas and now I'll be going up to 3'x4'. Exciting!
I've been living with Duke and Barrette Girl trying to get to know them, reproducing their images using different materials and techniques. I had fun playing with a new transfer technique a fellow artist shared with me(thanks Iwonka!). An artist with a new technique is like a kid in a candy shop. I transferred onto bristol board and linen and even enjoyed my mistakes
(see smear below).
And then my art had to wait.
Life took over.
Mom needed TLC and it was important to spend time with her. I visited a new friend — a prominent artist who relocated from Ohio.
So much fun to visit a REAL art studio.
(Ah. Someday…)
Then off to visit a friend recovering from surgery — after my own oral surgery! All the while keeping a teen boy fed and taxied to several destinations.
And my art waited.
I often turn to observe nature to calm my nerves. I have been hearing the sad call of the owl pigeon as spring nudges itself back in. The hoo hoo of this bird brings me back to my childhood. I searched for it out my window, and as if it knew, it landed on my porch and stayed for over an hour during an April snow shower one morning.
A few days later, I hear the hoo hoo again. It sounds very close this time. I turn to look out my bedroom window and there is the pretty little pigeon once again.

According to my Animal Spirit Guide, pigeons are a symbolic reminder to honor homelife and family. I find this to be a comforting thought.
And finally I return to my art.
Duke and Barrette Girl have been living in my head all the while and their personalities are starting to come into my consciousness. Along with the large canvases and hanging book art I plan to make, I'm thinking a story book may also be in order. So I have started down that path with much enthusiasm. It will be called The Face Book and will bring to life these little faces that were born on the pages of my journal and sketch book.
Here is a sampling of the
character development for Barette Girl:
The Incarnation of Barrette Girl
Barrette Girl had worked in the Stagnantville Memorial Libray for two months until she was fired for reading behind the stacks. Moby Randolph had complained after juggling a line of cranky suburbanites at the circulation desk. She took the job at MaxMart to begin to payback the late fees piling up from all her overdue books. Her red uniform top had two pin holes where her name tag used to be. She was not quick to share her real name and nobody thought to ask. Just another new cashier eating a vending machine muffin in the break room. They simply referred to her as Barrette Girl, and she was content to keep their attention focused on her iconic hair accessory.