
HRT #23 The Artistic Process

I thought I would share a bit of my artistic process with you. 
I've been struggling with my transitions from sketch to finish. Often the emotion gets lost 
as I go to a finish. A slight change of an eyebrow angle or the curve of a lip 
can completely change a facial expression. If you scroll down, 
you can see my sketch as it appeared in my journal. The written thought has changed 
(that was just a stream of consciousness to fill in the hair), but I have worked hard 
to maintain the "sketchiness" of the face. I also decided to use 
watercolor for the first time and have a change of gender and hairstyle.

Below, is the sketch for HRT #22. I liked the sketch so much better. 
Her attitude was just what I wanted to express, but it got lost in the final. 
I will have to try that one again.