over the rainbow...
or perhaps just
the kitchen sink.
How many hours do we stand at the kitchen sink and wish to be
somewhere over the rainbow?
For me, it's far more hours than I care to calculate.
Over my sink sits a painful window (pun intended)suffering from a broken seal between its double sheets of glass. Trapped moisture forecasts a London fog everyday regardless of the actual weather. If that fog were to lift, it would leave me with an expansive view of brick. Not quite the place where happy little blue birds fly.
The OTS Museum
(Open Daily)
My only recourse was to become curator for The "Over the Sink" Museum. Objects I display bring me peace as I grind last nights dinner down the garbage disposal. My palette of choice is subdued — my response to an incessant world buzzing about like a thirsty mosquito.
Ignore What's Behind That Curtain!
An embroidered napkin becomes the first layer of my collection.
Rock, Paper, Scissors...Shoot!
If those layers could talk... |
Sweet cherry wallpaper circa 1940s
(discovered during remodeling) — and my box of dreams.
Form over Function. Can't cut a darn thing, but looks great trying! |
Recorded History — or Her Story.
I've shared this shell with you before. A life story tattooed upon its surface. The sea gods may be angry that I have taken home treasures from their shores, upsetting a delicate ecosystem, but I hope they will forgive me, knowing how much I reflect upon this broken beauty...
...and an oyster shell,holding a whole world within its boundaries.
Just like Nature, the Sink has Cycles.
The sink empties, then fills again. Endless days of dishes and London fog, but when things seem grim I have my simple objects to take me over the rainbow.
Now it's your turn to write!
Answer the following question in the comments section and you will be entered to win a box of Hair-Raising Thoughts notes cards (box of 10). The most interesting response will be the winner. The prize winner will be announced on my blog next Friday.
Q: What treasures are over your sink?
1- Click on "comment" at the bottom of this post.
2- Type your answer in the box.
3- Select a choice from "comment as" ("anonymous" always works, but make sure to include an e-mail address so I can notify the winner and get a shipping address).
4- Click on the blue publish button.
If you have trouble entering your answer, e-mail me your entry to cmezzoart@mac.com